- adopting safeguarding and child protection procedures and a code of practice for all who work on behalf of the organisation
- reporting concerns to the authorities
- following carefully procedures for recruitment and selection of employees, contractors and volunteers.
Code of Practice AACT expects that all those in paid or unpaid work on its behalf will be aware of this Code of Practice and adhere to its principles in their approach to all children. 1. It is important not to have physical contact with children and this should be avoided. 2. It is not good practice to take children alone in a car on journeys, however short. 3. Do not make suggestive or inappropriate remarks to or about a child, even in fun, as this could be misinterpreted. 4. It is important not to deter children from making a ‘disclosure’ of abuse through fear of not being believed, and to listen to what they have to say. Guidance on handling a disclosure is set out in Appendix C. If this gives rise to a child protection concern it is important to follow AACT’s procedure for reporting such concerns, and not to attempt to investigate the concern yourself. 5. Remember that those who abuse children can be of any age (even other children), gender, ethnic background etc, and it is important not to allow personal preconceptions about people to prevent appropriate action taking place. 6. Good practice includes valuing and respecting children as individuals, and the adult modelling of appropriate conduct – which will always exclude bullying, shouting, racism, sectarianism or sexism. Designated safeguarding person AACT has appointed a Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP) who is responsible for dealing with any concerns about the protection of children. Contact details are available on the www.aact.org.uk website. The role of the DSP is to 1. Know which outside child protection agency to contact in the event of a child protection concern coming to the notice of AACT. 2. Provide information and advice on child protection within AACT. 3. Ensure that appropriate information is available at the time of referral and that the referral is confirmed in writing under confidential cover. 4. Liaise with local children’s social care services and other agencies, as appropriate. 5. Keep relevant people within AACT informed about any action taken and any further action required; for example, disciplinary action against a member. 6. Ensure that a proper record is kept of any referral and action taken, and that this is kept safely and in confidence. 7. Advise AACT of safeguarding and child protection training needs. Procedure for reporting concerns People could have their suspicion or concern raised in a number of ways, the most likely of which are:
- the conduct of a member of AACT or someone working, volunteering or contracting for AACT
- a child “disclosing” abuse
- bruising or evidence of physical hurt
- unusual behaviour by a child.
APPENDIX A Definitions of abuse 1. Physical Abuse Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. It may be the result of a deliberate act, but could also be caused through the omission or failure to act to protect. 2. Emotional Abuse Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional ill-treatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve making a child feel or believe that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person. Some level o emotional abuse is involved in all types of ill treatment of a child, though it may occur alone. 3. Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of, or consents to, what is happening. It may involve physical contact, including rape or oral sex, or non penetrative acts such as fondling. Boys and girls can be sexually abused by males and/or females, and by other young people. It also includes non-contact activities such as involving children in watching or taking part in the making of pornographic material, or encouraging children to behave in inappropriate ways. 4. Neglect Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development. It may involve failing to provide adequate food, shelter and clothing, or failing to ensure that a child gets appropriate medical care or treatment. APPENDIX B Recruitment and selection procedures AACT has adopted appropriate recruitment and selection procedures for volunteers and consultants in the context of safeguarding and child protection and these include the following: 1. A clear definition of any role so that the most suitable appointee can be identified. 2. Identification of key selection criteria. 3. Confirmation of the identity of the applicant. 4. Requirement to declare previous convictions and obtain CRB disclosure for those candidates whose work will bring them into contact with children or who will have a management responsibility in relation to those whose work does bring them into such contact. 5. A clear guarantee that disclosed information will be treated in confidence and not used against applicants unfairly, including adherence to the Criminal Records Bureau code of practice. 6. Use of several selection techniques to maximise the chance of safe recruitment, eg interview, references, checks. 7. At least one representative from AACT meeting personally with every applicant, and an exploration of their attitudes towards working with children. APPENDIX C Responding appropriately to a child making an allegation of abuse 1. Stay calm. 2. Listen carefully to what is said. 3. Find an appropriate early opportunity to explain that it is likely that the information will need to be shared with others – do not promise to keep secrets. 4. Tell the child that the matter will only be disclosed to those who need to know about it. 5. Allow the child to continue at her/his own pace. 6. Ask questions for clarification only, and at all times avoid asking questions that suggest a particular answer. 7. Reassure the child that they have done the right thing in telling you. 8. Tell them what you will do next, and with whom the information will be shared. 9. As soon as possible, record in writing what was said/communicated, using the child’s own words. Note the date, time, any names mentioned and to whom the information was given and ensure that the record is signed and dated. 10. It is important to remember that the person who first encounters a case of alleged abuse is not responsible for deciding whether abuse has occurred. That is a task for the professional child protection agencies, following a referral from the Designated Safeguarding Person in the organisation.