
Accessibility policy This version agreed by the Board Spring 2010 Next review due 2013   AACT aims to provide a website that is accessible to everyone. We design the site with usability and accessibility in mind. If you have any problems accessing any information on the site please contact us.   Adjusting text size  All font sizes are relative, with the exception of graphical text, and text size can be increased or decreased by following these steps:
  • For Microsoft Internet Explorer, go to the ‘View’ menu, select ‘Text Size’ and then the option that suits you.
  • For Mozilla Firefox, go to the ‘View’, select ‘Text Size’ and then either ‘Increase’ or ‘Decrease’ until the text is the size you require.
  • For Apple Safari: Use the Safari > Preferences > Appearance options in the browser menu.
  Images All images have descriptive alternative text, with the exception of images that are used for aesthetic reasons only. Those images have null ALT text.   Colours Colours have been chosen to give good contrast and to aid accessibility by colour-blind users.   Coding This website is built using code compliant with W3C standards for XHTML 1.0 Strict and Cascading Style Sheets. You can check each of our pages for conformance by clicking the W3C buttons at the bottom of the particular page. If you find we have made a mistake please let us know by contacting us.   [There is one exception to adherence to XHTML Strict standards – we use the target attribute to allow some external webpages to open in a new window. Practical trials showed that this seems to be the lesser of two evils in trying to create an environment which is not muddling for users.]   PDF We use PDF format for some information on our site. You will need Adobe reader (or another PDF viewer) to view PDF documents. Download the more recent version of Adobe reader here.   Testing for compliance Testing for compliance with WAIG standards is not an exact science and we do not currently have the confidence to declare conformance to a specific level. We do test our website for accessibility using various utilities (such as Wave3.0 and those indicating colour contrast) as listed by W3C. We try it out on as many browsers and platforms as seems practical. From time to time we ask users with various accessibility needs to try the site for us.   Contact us If you have any questions or comments, please contact us.   Useful Links The following have useful advice and information about web accessibility.   Our thanks to the UK Government’s Companies House and Oxfam websites which inspired us to include this accessibility statement following their examples.