Category Archives: projectimuse

Town Hall and greek pot

National Heritage Open Days 2014 – How Reading got its pots

or “From Apullia to Reading”. iMuse worked with the Ure Museum and Reading Museum to create a webapp explaining how Reading got such a rich collection of Greek pots and how the two museums collaborate over their display. The webapp includes video interviews with curators and reuses stop-motion animations and other material created by secondary school children for previous iMuse projects.
Sophie the owl

Ure Move

Project dates: November 2013 – June 2014 This project was the third in the series led by the Ure Museum of Classical Archaeology, Reading. Working with three local schools, iMuse created simple webapps using material created by 16 year old pupils led by a student panel.
  • Videos made by the schoolsVideos made by the schools
    Kendrick, Maiden Erlegh and Addington school students made stop-motion videos showing their interpretation of the figures on some Ure Museum Greek pots.
  • Ure Move appUre Move app
    Here’s a short video demo-ing the webapp iMuse created from material produced by participants in the Ure Move project, Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology, University of Reading, 2014. Some pot photographs are (c) Reading Borough Council (Museum of Reading)
  • Ure Move Launch 14 June 2014Ure Move Launch 14 June 2014
    It is with great pleasure that the curators and student panel of the Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology invite you to attend the Grand Opening of Ure Move, an exciting project and exhibition we have developed with the charity Access-Ability Communication Technology (AACT) as part of Universities Week 2014. We take this opportunity to celebrate the ...

Happy New Year try our Snowball Splat text-free game!

You can try our Christmas themed game here Snowball Splat Runs best on an iPad. This is based on the Splat Medusa game devised by iMuse for the 2013 Ure Discovery project. This incorporated two dozen depictions of the head of Medusa created by 16 year olds from a special school. These are simple, text-free games that can be enjoyed by all age groups and abilities. The idea came from Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2014!
Stnley spencer gallery interior

Stanley Spencer Gallery

Project dates: January-June 2013 This is a collaboration with the Gallery. You can read the initial project initiation proposal here.

We are blogging as we go along

young people lerning about computer animation

Ure Discovery

Project dates: December 2012 – May 2013 Ure Discovery is an Arts Council England World Stories funded project led by the Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology. Forty 16-18 year olds from three types of school are working with a student panel, a professional animator and a museum education officer to create an exhibition and trail. We are working with them to produce a highly-accessible app, using the drawings, video, animations, stories etc that they are providing. The iMuse/AACT aim is to demonstrate that everyone can join in such a project and everyone can enjoy finding out about the exhibition using the app whatever their communication abilities.

Text-free book

Project dates: October 2012 – April 2013 Original artwork by C.A Tunnicliffe RA for the Ladybird series was scanned.Visitors can sit to look through them on the iPad, tapping the animals to hear their sounds. We have also recorded the text on the exhibition’s posters which visitors can hear by tapping. Thanks to the University of Reading Special Collections and to the Ladybird publishers (Penguin) for permission to use the images.  
holybrook and abbey arch Reading

iMuse in Reading

Project dates: January-August 2012 You can look at the imuse in Reading initial project description here. This Project worked in partnership with the Museum of English Rural Life with funding support from the Cultural Partnership, Reading Borough Council, the Vodafone Foundation and the Foyle Foundation. In a variety of events, from a Young Farmers’ fair to half-term activities, 600 people of all ages and ability used mobile devices trying various ways of accessing their heritage, from Tweet a Sheep to an Olympic trail. theculturalpartnership

We blogged as we went along.