Health and Safety Policy

This version agreed by the Board Autumn 2010 Next review Winter 2013-14 Board Meeting We expect all those working or volunteering with AACT to have a mature, professional regard for the health and safety of others and of themselves. As much of our work takes place in premises managed by other organisations, in particular our work in schools or on University of Reading campuses, the area Safety Policies of the relevant institution apply in those areas. In the case of a volunteer, it is the responsibility of their main Contact to ensure they have received appropriate Health and Safety information during their induction (see website, section on working and volunteering with us). In the case of paid consultants (who may be self-employed, or employees of an external organisation), each consultant should ensure they understand the Health and Safety requirements of whatever area they are in. If they are unsure, they have a responsibility to contact AACT (see contact information on our website) to clarify Health and Safety issues. Appended below is an example Risk Assessment form (based on one used when working at the University of Reading). Pre-sessional checks: In the case of AACT working with an organisation augmenting their ‘normal’ work (e.g. in a school providing a class-like session) the host organisation will of course need to satisfy itself that the activity and area have been checked. In the case of AACT working on others’ premises to organise e.g. a one-off activity (e.g. in a partner museum or other public place) the AACT organiser should do a pre-sessional check (using the headings in the form below and with local staff as appropriate) to ensure that the spaces are set-up as expected for the event.
Event Name i-say tea Date 19 March 2011 Time 2-4.30
Location MERL Event organiser Annette Haworth Event safety controller Annette Haworth/Museum staff
Assessor Fred Date Permission given by Director of UMASCS
Section 1 – Identify hazards – consider all the activities within the social event and tick the boxes of significant hazards that apply
1. Fire hazards 7. Layout and traffic routes 13. Pressurised equipment 19. Inflatables 25. Seating arrangements 31. Confined space
2. Crowd control 8. Lighting levels 14. Noise and vibration 20. Other temporary structures 26. Welfare 32. Lone working
3. Slips, trips, housekeeping 9. Lighting systems 15. Environmental noise 21. Fairground equipment 27. Sanitation 33. Vehicles, driving
4. Fall of person 10. Heating and ventilation 16. Communication 22. Lasers 28. Food provision x 34. Machinery/lifting equipment
5. Fall of objects 11. Electrical equipment x 17. Violence to attendees or staff 23. Fireworks 29. Work with animals 35. Other – please specify
6. Manual handling 12. Use of portable tools 18. Marquees 24. Pyrotechnics 30. Chemicals, fumes dust
  Section 2 – Who may be at risk – tick the boxes of all relevant persons at risk
Employees x Contractors Students x
Children Visitors x Special needs
  Section 3 – Risk controls– For each hazard identified in Section 1 and for the persons identified in Section 2, complete this section
Hazard no. Hazard description Existing controls Risk level Further action needed
High Med Low
11    Use of PCs    PCs will be used in the areas designed for visitors to use such equipment (ie ground floor of museum and St Andrews) x Usual care with leads in Reading room (which is designed for such use)
28    Food provision Food will be provided in the Studio which is set up for such provision x  Food is very simple, and bought and consumed immediately.Tea urn supplied by the museum and used in usual place with experienced person overseeing it.