Acacias Heritage Open Days Quiz

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What activity has the London Road site NOT been used for?
A horticultural testing ground for Suttons.
To teach dairying skills.
By Huntley and Palmers to manufacture biscuits before the larger factory was built on Kings Road
Why was the Acacias known as Salt Box Hall in 1818?
No-one knows
Because of the shape of its sloping roof
Because the person who had it built was a salt merchant
Which sort of biscuit did Huntley and Palmers make specially for Ernest Shackleton's trip to Antarctica?
Chocolate Bath Oliver
A rather plain looking biscuit.
A variation of the popular ginger nut
The Library on the London Road site was presented to the College by the Palmer family in memory of
George Palmer
George William Palmer
Alfred Palmer
This belongs to the Senior Common Room. What is it?
An Edwardian stapler
An address embosser
A late Victorian hole punch
Edith Morley was the country's first female professor. Her memoire is held in the University of Reading Special Collections. Who edited and published it in 2016?
The Whiteknights Press
Oxford University Press
Two Rivers Press
What was the title of the best selling book about a river written by Robert Gibbings in 1940?
Up the creek without a paddle
Sweet Thames Run Softly
Adventures on the Avon
Edith Morley belonged to the WSPU. What do the letters WSPU stand for?
Wombles Suffrage and Picnic Union
Workers' Socialist Party and Union
Womens' Social and Political Union
Who wrote the music for the song 'March of the Women' dedicated to the WSPU?
Ethel Smythe
Edward Elgar
Thea Musgrave
The Great Hall was opened by the Minister for War in 1905. Why did Edith Morley miss the ceremony?
She overslept
She objected to the Minister of War being asked to do the opening ceremony.
The Minister did not want women to be there in case they caused trouble by protesting about not having the vote.
What subject did Edith Morley teach?
English Literature
Edith Morley was keen on cycling which she found liberating. Cycling became very fashionable amongst some women at the end of the 19th century but a lot of people disapproved (including some other women). What was the original caption to this Punch cartoon?
Why don't 'er skirt get tangled in them there wheels?
She's posh so it don't 'appen.
Wouldn't yer like ter 'ave one o' them things, Liza Ann?
No I wouldn't be seen on one. I don't think they are nice for lidies.
'ow come she don't fall off wiv only two wheels?
It's 'er skirts wot keeps 'er balanced
Roughly when did Mr George Palmer have the Acacias fernery built?
Late 18th Century
Late 19th Century
Late 20th century


This quiz was devised to accompany the opening of The Acacias, University of Reading, UK, during Heritage Open Days 2018.

The opening was a joint venture between the Senior Common Room, The Friends of the University of Reading, the University Women’s Club, Two Rivers Press and Reading-based charity RG Spaces.

Photograph of Edith Morley and sketch of The Acacias from the University of Reading Special Collections

Cycling cartoon from Punch 1894

Other images from Wikimedia Commons and free clipart